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Feel your best

Where self-love meets science, redefining intimate wellness as a journey of empowerment and knowledge.

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A New Level of Feminine Wellness

Talking about your most intimate body parts can often feel awkward and uncomfortable. While we openly share our extensive hair and skincare routines and exchange beauty secrets from head to toe, there's a crucial aspect that often goes unaddressed. It's the heart of femininity, yet it remains a side-lined topic. It's time to break the silence and embrace the beauty and vitality of every inch of your body, starting with your intimate self-care - your vulva. Discover our range of natural, cruelty-free skincare for down there. Designed to boost self-confidence and empower women to take charge of their intimate health and needs, one wash at a time. 

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Our Fig Femmers


the visionary founder behind Fig Femme

A woman on a mission to redefine the world of intimate wellness for women. She understands the challenges and concerns that women face when it comes to self-care for their vulva, vagina and the scarcity of information on post-pregnancy care. Frustrated by the taboos and lack of readily available information surrounding women's intimate health, Lindy set out to create Fig Femme; a brand that caters for women, encourages open and honest conversations about feminine hygiene and provides intimate wellness with safe, nourishing ingredients. 

‘Creating a product with safe, nourishing ingredients that cater for any and every woman’

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Sisil's Why Fig Femme

Hear why Sisil loves Fig Femme and what femininity means to her.

What Fig Means to Sasha

Fig means something different to everyone. Find out Sasha's take.

What's In Alannah's Bag

See what essentials Alannah keeps in her bag to stay fresh all day long.